Ever wonder what that arm exercise machine Anderson Silva was using at UFC 112? That’s the Burn Machine Speed Bag, and you can read the review right here.
Gameness delivers high quality MMA gear with the Gameness Elite Gi! The Gameness Elite Gi design was tested and perfected on the mat for two years before it was finally released. This high quality gi, made from 550 Gram pre-shrunk cotton, is a great gi to use for training and fights. The patches are embroidered [...]
The World’s #1 Trusted Brand in MMA comes out with yet again another Japanese-inspired tee.
From the company that brought you the famous Amazonia shorts, Venum presents their first batch of MMA gear and equipment. On the grill today is the Venum 14oz Gloves.
Check out our Hayabusa Pro-Size Thai Pads Review.
MMAGearGuide.net EXCLUSIVE! Check out the review of the MANTO Pro MMA Shorts in red as used by numerous fighters in KSW XIII including Mariusz Pudzianowski.
Train, move, fight like a pro on the new Zebra Roll-out Mat.
Here’s a review of the JACO Guardian MMA Compression Shorts and Athletic Cup Protection System. Look out, Shock Doctor! JACO’s coming for you!
First ever Hayabusa Pro Handwraps Review! I hope you guys have as much fun reading as I did reviewing these things.
PHEW! That’s a long name! Check out the Venum Amazonia 2.0 Fight Shorts of “The Answer” as he faced off with BJ Penn in UFC 112.