Ever wanted to give the impression that you have a bloody mouth, without actually having one? Then the Fight Dentist Bloody Mouthguard is for you!
Ever wanted a custom designed mouthguard but can’t justify to dish out the cash for it? No worries, the Fight Dentist Bloody Mouthguard offers a custom fit, although not as good as a proper custom mouthguard but it is made with the same PolyShok material as the Custom Fight Dentist Mouthguard. (Proven to absorb 150% more impact than your standard EVA mouthguard)
In a sport like MMA, you definitely need to protect your teeth so why not protect it in style? The Fight Dentist Bloody Mouthguard is a boil and bite fit, so it does offer a semi-custom fit to your teeth and protects you from blows. A $30 mouthguard is a better investment than a couple hundred dollar dental bill.
The Fight Dentist Bloody Mouthguard is available at MMA Warehouse.
PURCHASE: Fight Dentist Bloody Mouthguard